“Virtual Reality’s learning efficiency can be attributed to combining over 100 years of scientific data and learning styles and incorporating them into training through the mode of a headset .”


When behavior is performed correctly (i.e., a completed pass), the relevant neuro connections are strengthened, therefore making that behavior more likely to occur next time.

QB SIM Correlation: 

  • Allows for fully immersive repetitions on demand.

  • Each rep provides an opportunity for an increase in muscle memory which     strengthens the connection between mind and movement to improve consistency


Multiple publications have stated that to receive mastery level understanding, a person needs to spend 10,000 hours learning and doing. Full QB rooms and training programs do not have enough time or personnel to train everyone to a mastery level with conventional training

QB SIM Correlation: 

  • QB SIM accelerates this process because it breaks down multiple hours of  training into ten and 15-minute intervals between reps, data review, and feedback


We most effectively learn by:

1. doing (physically) 

2. embodiment (utilizing the whole-body during learning)

3. retrieval-based learning (repeatedly remembering information across multiple study and recall sessions), 4. transferable training (taking knowledge and skills learned during a training session and applying into performance)

5. learning in the zone of proximal development (an area of learning where any assistance is provided during teachings or training i.e. coaches, QB SIM, visual or auditory aids)

QB SIM correlation: 

  • QB SIM takes all 5 effective learning properties and puts it into one singular system of training and development, keeping players in the zone of proximal development the entire time


Technology allows players to improve their ability without the risk of injury or the need for other players to be present

QB SIM Correlation: 

  •  QB SIM protects players in the short and long term by eliminating chronic contact, allowing for players to train in isolation, and removing the need for 21 other players to be present for every QB repetition


For Virtual Reality training to be successful, it must mimic the specific sport and skill and the environmental conditions that occur during the game. Training needs to include proper speed and repetition, a variation of training concepts, and full immersion 

QB SIM Correlation: 

  • Every aspect of QB SIM is designed to mimic a real game environment from the recreation of player personnel (height, body type, complexion, uniform etc.), stadium visuals/noise, player movement, to our ball being tracked within the millimeter of reality.

  • QB SIM understands full immersion and allows for players to execute without hesitation


Many studies have found that receiving visual or auditory feedback can help accelerate the improvement of complex motor skills


QB SIM Correlation:

  • From the sounds of the virtual crowd within the stadium, to the tools within the assessment portal, QB SIM gives the player both visual and auditory feedback instantaneously after play

  • QB SIM also allows for players to rewatch their in-SIM footage alongside their real-life footage to view data on each play to correct mistakes or enhance future performance

In summary, QB SIM has done all the research and heavy lifting on the best way to train your players safely and effectively so that you don’t have to. 

There is no substitute for trying it. Come see for yourself today.


*All scientific info came from

Russell, D. (2021). Immersive Virtual Reality in Sports: Coaching and Training. In T. Jackson II (Ed.), Implementing Augmented Reality Into Immersive Virtual Learning Environments (pp. 135–150). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-4222-4